Francesca Sproccati

Out of Me, Inside You is a live-set composed by video fragments, words and sounds.

Out of me, Inside You is a performance-installation where contemplation and rêverie are welcome like falling asleep and getting bored.

A possible collective meditation, a suspension, a truce. Francesca Sproccati creates an intimate atmosphere between loops of sound chords and light vibrations. A time between sleep and wakefulness to ask oneself: is melancholy a state of mind, often perceived as immobile, that should be avoided because it might slow down our productivity? Could we, instead, imagine a revolutionary movement starting precisely from this feeling of exhaustion? 

Included in the performance is the listening of the vinyl Out of Me, Inside You. Il tempo di rivoluzione è un giro attorno al sole., an extension of the work itself. The record acts as a prelude and echo Inside the performance. Whereas outside it's tangible matter that can be carried into anyone’s intimacy.

A contemplative dimension of abandonment between video and sound.
(Giorgio Thoeni, Azione)

Out of Me, Inside You has been declined into several editions, depending on the different contexts. For example: an extended edition featuring Adriano Iiriti aka Under Changeover, a radio edition for Cervelli in Tempesta by Lumpen Station (︎) and an installation for La Regionale 2023-2024.

  Can solitude be welcoming? And the universe?
    The contemplating audience becomes part of the performance,
just by being present and feeling their sensations resonate with one voice: a common breath.
(Sofia Aliprandi, Keep Fit With Radio)

Melancholia party.
Let’s have fun.
Maybe it looks very serious. In a way It is.
There is some urgency. To get closer.
But melancholia is just a pretext.
To be here together. To realize that we are here together.

Concept and performance 
Francesca Sproccati
Artistic collaboration 
Elena Boillat
Sound collaboration 
Adriano Iiriti
Rosa Coppola
Thank you to
Alan Alpenfelt
Camilla Parini

Co – production
FIT Festival Internazionale del Teatro e della Scena Contemporanea
With the support of
Pro Helvetia Fondazione Svizzera per la Cultura,
DECS Repubblica e Cantone Ticino - Fondo Swisslos,
Città di Lugano e DanceMe UP Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
LAC Lugano, Teatro San Materno Ascona, DanceMe UP Festival
ConFormazioni Palermo, Fondazione Claudia Lombardi

Semi – finalist

19.09 Semi-/finale PREMIO, Zürcher Hoschule der Künste, Zürich
17.05 Festival Più Che Danza, Milano (studio #1)
28.05 Festival ConFormazioni, Palermo (studio #2)
1/2.10 FIT Festival Internazionale del Teatro, Lugano
9.09 NAO Performing Festival, Milano
25/30.10 LAC, Lugano
12.11 Swiss Performance Art Award 2022, Kunstmuseum ,Luzern
15/16.11 Südpol, Luzern
12/14.01 GOGOGO Grütli, Genève
10/12.02 Villa dei Cedri - Teatro Sociale, Bellinzona
9.03 Festival Territori, Bellinzona
29.05 Lumpen Station, LSD, Lugano
4.07 Scuole Occupate, CSOA Molino, Viganello
10.11. Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zürich
16.12 Istituto Svizzero al MACRO Museo, Roma
8.12.’23/28.01.’24 La Regionale, Lugano
23.06 Festival Più Che Danza, BASE, Milano

photos: Philip Frowein