Happening a series of unique and non-reproducible performances
based among the encounter between artists and different contexts
from 2021
Out of Me, Inside You
Out of Me, Inside You. Il tempo di rivoluzione è un giro attorno al sole.
Mein Vater Erzählt Mir Jeden Sonntag Unsere Neun Planeten24-hours radio and performance installation
EXP: je voudrais commencer par sauter immersive 3 hours performance installation
TIB (Ticino is Burning)
c/o Francesca Sproccati
via Giulio Pocobelli 3
6900 Lugano
+41(0)76 420 23 84
Francesca Sproccati
23-25.2024 je suisse (or not) by Camilla Parini/Collettivo Treppenwitz | Festival Narrazione | Arzo
30.09-9.09.2024 je suisse (or not) by Camilla Parini/Collettivo Treppenwitz | Festival Castel dei Mondi | Andria
1.10-30.11.2024 residenza artistica | Kaserne | Basel
7.12.2024 Happening #5 Tra ascolto collettivo e atmosfere immersive | Domus Poetica | Bellinzona
26.02 ︎︎︎ 10.03.2024 residenza di ricerca | Le Grütli | Genève
10.04 ︎︎︎ 13.04.2024 residenza di ricerca | Casa del Tabacco | Novazzano
9.05.2024 workshop di movimento | Esplosiva Fest | Spazio Fervida | Lugano
10.05 ︎︎︎ 23.05.2024 residenza artistica | exhibition room le Studiolo by Lumpen Station | Kunsthaus Biel Centre d’art Bienne
performance “Gingilli e accrocchi di Rosaemaria”: 23.05.2024
30.05 ︎︎︎ 02.06.2024 je suisse (or not) by Camilla Parini/Collettivo Treppenwitz | Auawirleben festival | Bern
7-8.06.2024 je suisse (or not) by Camilla Parini/Collettivo Treppenwitz | Territori festival | Bellinzona
10.06 ︎︎︎ 22.06.2024 je suisse (or not) by Camilla Parini/Collettivo Treppenwitz | Altofest | Napoli
10.05 ︎︎︎ 23.05.2024 residenza artistica | exhibition room le Studiolo by Lumpen Station | Kunsthaus Biel Centre d’art Bienne
performance “Gingilli e accrocchi di Rosaemaria”: 23.05.2024
30.05 ︎︎︎ 02.06.2024 je suisse (or not) by Camilla Parini/Collettivo Treppenwitz | Auawirleben festival | Bern
7-8.06.2024 je suisse (or not) by Camilla Parini/Collettivo Treppenwitz | Territori festival | Bellinzona
10.06 ︎︎︎ 22.06.2024 je suisse (or not) by Camilla Parini/Collettivo Treppenwitz | Altofest | Napoli
12 ︎︎︎ 14.01 Festival GOGOGO | Le Grütli | Genève | Out of Me, Inside You
2 ︎︎︎ 4.02 Théâtre Les Halles | Sierre | KISS! (Loving Kills) by Camilla Parini | Collettivo Treppenwitz
8 ︎︎︎ 9.02 Theater Roxy | Basilea | KISS! (Loving Kills) by Camilla Parini | Collettivo Treppenwitz
10 ︎︎︎ 12.02 Teatro Sociale | Villa dei Cedri | Bellinzona | Out of Me, Inside You
8.03 Festival Territori | Officina Nephos | Bellinzona | Out of Me, Inside You | EXTENDED EDITION special guest Adriano Iiriti aka Under Changeover
12.03 La Straordinaria | Lugano | Ballade (I lost***/ happening #1)
16.03 La Straordinaria | Lugano | Un caffé con Ticino is Burning
28.03 La Straordinaria | Lugano | Au revoir (I lost****/ happening #2)
10 ︎︎︎ 15.04 Südpol | Luzern Artistic Residency | je Suisse (or not) | a project by Camilla Parini
25.04 Theatre du Passage | Neuchâtel | KISS! (Loving Kills) | by Camilla Parini-Collettivo Treppenwitz
30.04 ︎︎︎ 5.05 Cima Città |Torre | Artistic Residency | je Suisse (or not) | a project by Camilla Parini
29.05 LSD | Cervelli in Tempesta | Lumpen Station | Out of Me, Inside You | Radio Edition
10.08 Lumpen Station @ Locarno film festival's BaseCamp | Locarno | ROARRRR! (happening #3)
14 ︎︎︎ 17.08 FAR° festival | Nyon | PREMIÈRE je suisse (or not) by Camilla Parini-Collettivo Treppenwitz
16.09 m2act X Burning Issues | Dampfzentrale | Bern | TIB - Ticino is Burning
29.09 ︎︎︎ 8.10 FIT Festival | Torretta Enderlin Parco Tassino | Lugano TIB meets FIT |
8.10 all’alba (ore 7.00) restituzione della settimana di residenza nella forma di un ascolto collettivo
10.11 Kunstraum Walcheturm | Zürich | Out of Me, Inside You
Istituto Svizzero | Museo Macro | Roma | Out of Me, Inside You